Archive for August 2021

Are Decentralized Clinical Trials the Future? A Closer Look for Those in Clinical Research Training

In recent years, decentralized clinical trials have generated much discussion for the pharmaceutical industry. Decentralized trials offer a new model of clinical research that incorporates new technologies and remote assessments, with the aim to gather more diverse and inclusive data and offer improved patient care. With the move to a patient-centric approach, decentralized trials are finding ways to accommodate various patient needs that are often neglected in traditional trials.  In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the pharmaceutical industry has been forced to meet operational challenges with innovative solutions that make use of technological advances. With the disruption of in-person activities, research.. READ MORE »

Eager to Become a Cannabis Retailer? Learn How to Improve Operations at the Cannabis 360 Conference

Cannabis retail is seeing huge advancements across Canada and the world. For cannabis business owners, there’s no better time to tap into a profitable market. The success of a cannabis retail business is dependent upon a number of factors, including compliance with industry regulations, customer engagement, and operational efficiency.  The right knowledge and resources can empower prospective cannabis retailers to build the success of their business in a nascent market.  The Cannabis 360 conference is an occasion to learn from industry professionals about the key to mastering a cannabis retail business. A panel of speakers will discuss the stages of.. READ MORE »

In Cannabis Training? Attend the Cannabis 360 Conference to Discover the Value of EU-GMP Certifications

Every industry is governed by a set of rules and regulations that determine good practices. For the cannabis industry, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are a set of requirements that any manufacturer must meet in order to ensure that their product is of consistent quality, and safe for its intended use.  When it comes to expanding marijuana exports to international markets, a new set of standards come into play. An EU-GMP certification is an essential requirement for exporting medical marijuana to markets in the European Union. All medical cannabis sold in Europe needs to be manufactured and tested under specific standards,.. READ MORE »

How CRISPR is Changing Biotechnology: An Overview for Students in Regulatory Affairs

Many industries are at the cusp of change as technology continues to grow, introducing new tools that can significantly impact people’s health. Similarly, biotechnology is becoming a larger part of the pharmaceutical industry, thus impacting regulatory requirements.  Individuals keen on developing a stronger understanding of these requirements can explore the field of regulatory affairs—studying a wide range of regulations and standards, including regulatory legislation and practices, that shape the development and quality of pharmaceutical goods. This includes biologics and biotechnology products, like CRISPR, which have the power to change the future of the pharmaceutical industry.  Read on to discover how.. READ MORE »

How COVID is Changing the Landscape for Regulatory Affairs Program Graduates

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought unforeseen changes to global drug development and its regulatory processes. As the effects of the pandemic continue to linger around the world, the need to understand the virus and develop treatments at a rapid pace has provided new learning opportunities for the pharmaceutical industry. Companies have glimpsed ways they can improve upon traditional methods to offer a competitive service, while complying with industry regulations. The need for global platforms, decentralized trials, efficient technology, and adaptable regulations are among some of the top concerns being addressed by the industry since the arrival of.. READ MORE »

Pursuing Cannabis Careers? Learn about Quality in Cannabis Edibles at the Cannabis 360 Conference

As the cannabis industry in Canada continues to grow, users are seeking new and alternative methods of consumption. Edibles are at the forefront of this trend, offering numerous forms through which consumers can reap the effects of cannabis. Working with food, however, brings a host of new challenges and requirements. Food safety protocols must now be applied to a growing area of the cannabis industry. In compliance, cannabis producers are looking for systemic approaches to ensuring food safety during the manufacturing of edible cannabis products.  The Cannabis 360 Conference, hosted by AAPS, is an exciting opportunity to delve into the.. READ MORE »

Earning an HPLC Certification? Here’s an Overview of Technological Transfer Protocols

A technology transfer is a common occurrence in the pharmaceutical industry. It happens when a company wants to switch their operations from an existing manufacturing site to a new manufacturing facility. In that event, the manufacturing process and analytical methods must also be transferred between units, for the sake of consistency.  Technology transfer between units is an essential process of the pharmaceutical industry when a new drug moves from the pilot batch to a large-scale commercial batch. These protocols are needed to promote successful progress between manufacturing stages: from drug discovery to product development to clinical trials to commercialization. For.. READ MORE »

The Cannabis 360 Conference: Key Industry Insights for Students in Cannabis Training

On September 9th, 2021, AAPS will host a panel of industry experts to offer some key insights on some of the biggest opportunities and challenges facing the cannabis industry today. Whether you’re considering a path in the industry or on your way to an established career, our panel of industry stakeholders will provide some practical takeaway for all attendees.  The Cannabis 360 Conference will span topics ranging from entering the overseas cannabis market to adapting your own cannabis retail business. Whatever your professional interests in the field, the virtual conference is a unique opportunity to learn from the experts about.. READ MORE »

The Role of Pharmacopeias in Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance

Pharmaceutical professionals have extensive knowledge to analyze the raw materials, processes, and finished products to determine the safety and efficacy of a new drug. Pharmaceutical quality assurance is a crucial practice in the manufacturing practice. This is where pharmacopeias come into play.  Pharmacopeias are documents designed to provide public standards relating to the quality, safety, and efficacy of a drug. Today, pharmacopeias play a major role in the regulatory process and control of pharmaceutical ingredients. Analysts for pharmaceutical quality assurance will draw upon these standards in their methods of quality control. With the global expansion of drug manufacturing and standards,.. READ MORE »
