Archive for November 2019

How to Deal with Change in Cannabis Industry Careers

Recreational cannabis became legal for sale on October 17, 2018 in Canada under the Cannabis Act. The very short time that has passed since legalization means that the industry is still improving, developing, and undergoing changes. With Cannabis 2.0 ramping up into 2020 and products like edibles and beverages becoming available, even more changes are on the horizon. Apart from changes within the industry itself, individual career trajectories, management strategies, and learning curves are also in flux. This makes the cannabis industry an exciting and stimulating professional path, but can also present some challenges. When confronting change in the workplace,.. READ MORE »

How a Sport Nutrition Certificate Helps You Understand the Value of Nutritional Assessments

Assessments are a large part of working in the fitness industry. They allow for information to be gathered about clients with minimal guesswork. A client’s diet will affect their health and performance, both at present and in the future. In cases where clients incur injuries or illness, eating correctly can also improve their chances of a speedy path to recovery and restoring their wellness. Factors affecting a client’s diet include: Finances Access Time Habits Psychological influences, like obsession with food and/or body weight Information they have been given It’s important when helping someone with their nutrition to assess and evaluate.. READ MORE »

What Cannabis Quality Assurance Students Should Know About Audits

Audits from Health Canada and third parties prevent companies from relying solely on internal teams to judge quality. If internal assessments are all that a company has, standards can fall. As a part of ongoing regulatory requirements, Health Canada conducts audits of cannabis facilities. In most cases, it will not conduct a fully conclusive audit of all factors, but rather will evaluate specific areas of the business. Some companies choose to have a third party audit the company, so that they can be sure all areas are up to par before Health Canada conducts its audits. There are also different.. READ MORE »

What to Know About Package Inserts if You’re Considering a Regulatory Affairs Program

Package inserts give valuable information to patients regarding their medication. Usually, this includes prescribing information, also called professional information. Prescribing information includes: Brand and name of drug Potency and/or ingredients Standard of manufacture and manufacturer or sponsor Function of the drug Precautions or warnings Dosage and instructions for administering the drug Storage information Date prepared and preparations available Package inserts also help health care professionals, as they include things like special instructions for drugs that require specific dispensing like injection. In many cases, a separate document specifically for consumer or patient information is included, either separate from or as part.. READ MORE »

What Cannabis 2.0 Means for AGCO Cannabis Dispensaries

Cannabis 2.0 brings with it edibles and concentrates, legal for sale in the Canadian market, as of October 17th, 2019. As this introduces new products, it will naturally change the landscape of the Canadian cannabis industry. With the added products, Ontario will now be selling them in addition to the following products that were legalized in 2018: Dried cannabis Oil Fresh cannabis Plants Plant seeds With more items on the market, Cannabis 2.0 means changes for customer bases, regulations, and more. Read on to learn about Cannabis 2.0 and how it will affect Canada’s cannabis industry and the people who.. READ MORE »

In Clinical Research Training? Here’s How a Heart Medication Could Help Treat Cancer

As cancer treatment research works towards drugs that have anti-aging properties, this may help treat or prevent the spread of growths. Since poorly aging cells can enable the development of the disease, this could act as an effective treatment. The process of aging in cells is called senescence. Senescence is normal and is the body’s way of getting rid of older, damaged matter. However, when the process is not taking place normally, it is thought that this can allow tumors to grow. Drugs that eliminate poorly aging cells are called senolytics. Read on for how scientists have discovered a pre-existing.. READ MORE »

What to Expect from Wholesale Cannabis Careers

The cannabis industry holds many different opportunities for career paths. From quality assurance to retail to production, you can find what’s best for you and where your skills are best put to use. If wholesale sounds like the right fit for you, there may be a few questions on your mind as to what you can expect from the field. Wholesale cannabis distributors are responsible for legal compliance and distributing product to retail locations from manufacturers and cultivators. This is a necessary step in the supply chain and one that interacts with various parts of the cannabis business. Read on.. READ MORE »

Factors Affecting Microbial Growth that Food Safety Workers Should Know

In foods where there are sufficient nutrients and favourable conditions for growth, microorganisms can thrive. The most important of these microorganisms to consider is bacteria, since while they are often harmless or beneficial, they can be very dangerous. Yeasts, molds, and viruses are other microorganisms that can exist in food and cause safety threats. In your career, you will need to be aware of factors creating the ideal environment for these tiny life forms to grow, so that you can mitigate risks. Read on to learn more about which factors affect this, how you can keep food safer by monitoring.. READ MORE »
