Archive for July 2020

How Biotech Impacts Our Everyday Lives, as Explained to Those in Regulatory Affairs Training

Professionals working in regulatory affairs help to ensure that products and processes comply with the existing quality control laws and regulations. This ascertains that products are developed and sold in a safe and secure manner. This is especially important in the realm of pharmaceuticals, where products can sometimes be life-saving and their safety and efficacy is of utmost importance.  Recently, biotechnology has picked up steam as a set of processes that can aid in the advancement of pharmaceutical development and innovation. Regulatory affairs professionals should be particularly interested in biotechnology for how these technologies may be monitored and standardized to.. READ MORE »

How to Reduce Operating Costs When You Open a Cannabis Business

The cannabis industry can make for a lucrative career choice for those interested in obtaining a license and opening a cannabis retail business. Unfortunately, high overhead costs are the reality, just like opening any business. However, with the right knowledge and understanding, cannabis business operators can work to reduce their operating costs in the long run.  Industry professionals with the right training are experts at running cannabis businesses, knowing how to efficiently organize their labor force, maximize their revenues, and adhere to government regulations. They also know how to work at reducing their operational expenses. Read on to find out.. READ MORE »

3 Things You Should Know About Nutrition in Aging

Nutritionists are experts in how our bodies interact with food to extract nutrients and energy. By understanding the basics of nutrition, fitness, and healthy diets, these professionals can help others adhere to nutritional requirements and stay healthy. An important idea to note is that these requirements change throughout our lifespan. Older adults have nutritional requirements that differ from younger people because their bodies are different.  Understanding nutrition in older adults is important for many reasons. For one, older adults are more prone to malnutrition, which increases the health risks associated with aging. Shortfalls in micronutrients like vitamin D and iron.. READ MORE »

What Those with a Cannabis Distribution License Should Know About COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the ways that consumers interact with cannabis. Between accommodating social distancing while purchasing cannabis products, changing the frequency with which they visit stores, and sharing research on cannabis’ interactions with the disease, there are several ways that cannabis culture is shifting.  Cannabis retail professionals are knowledgeable about retail management, inventory management, store design, and staff development. These adept experts are skilled at anticipating and managing retail problems, but the coronavirus may present problems beyond the scope of what these industry insiders are familiar with. Read on to educate yourself on the breadth of the ways.. READ MORE »

A Guide to Packaging Regulations and their Impact on Cannabis Retail Compliance

For students studying cannabis and its production, learning about cannabis retail compliance is among the most important aspects of the program.  One of the first things students in cannabis programs should learn about is how the rules are set out for labeling and packaging. There are a multitude of nuances for how cannabis can be correctly packaged and labelled in Canada, and the compliance regulations for retailers can vary between each province, since the federal government has left much of that responsibility to individual provinces and their jurisdictions. However, the Cannabis Act outlines that this duty is shared between provincial.. READ MORE »

Brand-name vs. Generic Drugs: A Quick Look for Students in Regulatory Affairs Courses

Navigating the aisles of the pharmacy can be overwhelming. A customer looking to purchase some acetaminophen to relieve their headache is confronted with shelves stocked full of different versions of the substance from a variety of different brands. Though they may be more familiar with the Tylenol product, there is no significant difference between it and the plainer versions of the drug sitting next to it. Functionally, both drugs are the same, though there is a good reason both exist.  Professionals who work in pharmacovigilance and regulatory affairs are invested in the compliance of pharmaceutical and healthcare products with the.. READ MORE »

3 Facts About Failure Investigations for Those Interested in GMP Training

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) are essential to pharmaceutical quality assurance. These practices are systematic procedures developed to prove consistency, safety, and efficacy. GMPs are the part of quality assurance that ensures pharmaceutical products are produced and controlled consistently, in a way that meets quality standards.  Failure investigations are an important part of GMPs. These investigative procedures are activated whenever an aspect of production deviates from the quality assurance practices in place. Read on to find out three facts about failure investigations.  Failure Investigations Identify the Root Causes of Deviation  These investigations attempt to get to the root cause of an.. READ MORE »

Post-COVID Cannabis User Demographics Explained for Those with a Cannabis Retail License

With a cannabis retail license, Canadians working in the industry can focus on a variety of different aspects of working in a dispensary. For a person to be successful in their work, they need to know their client base.  Within Canadian cannabis user demographics, many media publications have been reporting an increase of consumer demand for cannabis due to the spread of COVID-19. However, is this the whole picture? Read on to understand in what ways the pandemic could be influencing cannabis user demographics.  General Canadian Use Demographics  Between 2014 and 2018, the number of Canadians who regularly use cannabis.. READ MORE »

Understanding Predictive Microbiology During Your Certificate in Food Safety

As a student in food safety, you’ll learn about the different concepts underlying and influencing food quality. These include food sanitation, food processing, food inspection, and food infection. Professionals in the food safety industry use a variety of methods to ensure that food is safe to consume and free from contaminants.  The existence of microorganisms in food needs to be monitored and controlled. These naturally occurring living things are what cause food to spoil or become inedible, and their presence is affected by environmental factors in production, transportation, and storage. Predictive microbiology is a method that seeks to analyze and.. READ MORE »
