Students Learn HPLC Techniques

Blog Post 1Last week, AAPS’  HPLC studentsvisited our simulated QC laboratory to expand on their knowledge of content uniformity.

Guided by their instructor Jason Chu, students demonstrated their ability to determine the variability of acetaminophen tablets. Using HPLC, students were able to separate and identify the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) of their samples.

Before applying the analytical technique, they first had to prepare the mobile phase and set up HPLC instruments. Once they completed their experiment, they were asked to process their findings using Empower, validated software, which allows the user to control chromatography instruments and process data for HPLC, UPLC and Gas Chromatography.
Blog Post 3

Proficiency in HPLC and HPLC data analysis software are career enhancing qualifications. Many GMP and GLP careers require these skills. The introduction to this method of compound analysis allows AAPS students to understand how to separate, identify and quantify their samples. AAPS students are now capable and prepared to operate HPLC instruments, perform data analysis and sample type verification as well as report quality control of any drug.

By actively participating in laboratory training, AAPS student learn how to handle quality assurance and control processes that will benefit their future careers in commercial or research and development (R&D) environments.


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