Cannabis-based products are gaining widespread patronage in Canada (and worldwide) due to a growing acceptance by industry regulators statewide. And with Mississauga, Canada, joining the steadily growing list of cities to allow the operation of cannabis retail stores, the industry’s growth outlook has improved.
So, if you’re looking to start your own cannabis business, or work in a cannabis retail store, you’ll need the proper guidance to walk you through the complex terrain of regulatory bottlenecks, licensing requirements, and a competitive marketplace.
With the Cannabis – Management, Quality, and Edibles Diploma offered at AAPS, you can get cannabis industry training to set you on the right track. In this blog, we will discuss a few tips to help you start a cannabis retail shop in Mississauga, Canada.
How to Set Up a Cannabis Retail Store
The proper cannabis education should equip you with the relevant practical knowledge and management skills needed to run a cannabis retail store successfully. And here, we’ll discuss the key tips to help you launch your cannabis retail store in Mississauga.
Do The Necessary Research
Your research should typically start with and comprehensively explore the regulatory and operational requirements of setting up and managing a cannabis retail store in Mississauga. Learn about the city’s business terrain and understudy any similar business. Also, note all local laws concerning cannabis sales and public advertising—billboards, product labelling, public campaigns, and more.
As is the case with most other locations in Canada where the use of recreational cannabis is legalized, someone who wants to open a cannabis retail store needs to obtain a Retail Operator License and Retail Store Authorization from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). To secure these licenses, you must provide detailed information about the business, including your security plans and financial records.
The issuing agencies may also carry out a criminal background check. One of the first things you should do is investigate these and other regulations for establishing cannabis stores and prepare the required documentation beforehand.
Consider the laws concerning cannabis sales and product packaging and labelling
Draft an Extensive Business Plan and Find a Suitable Store Location
While scouting for the right place to site your store, consider factors like the local demographic outlook and if the area has the proper infrastructure to support your business.
In addition, check out what the local regulations say, considering your store’s allowable proximity to a school, which will be necessary in order to obtain your Retail Store Authorization 9RS). You may be best served by consulting realtors who are experienced in helping cannabis retailers find store locations.
Your business plan should provide a well-detailed and comprehensive look into your business. It should contain relevant insights, such as your marketing strategies, market and competitor analysis, customer packages, and financial information. As a new market, Mississauga has incredible opportunities, but the landscape will also be highly competitive, with several retailers looking to obtain a foothold in this populous area.
Developing a business plan after cannabis education helps you to choose a suitable location
Get the Provincial Licensing After Cannabis Education
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is solely responsible for issuing the only legally recognized operating licenses to cannabis retail stores in Ontario. And so, you must submit your licensing application (and have it accepted) before you can set up shop in Mississauga. The application process requires you to meet certain regulatory requirements and provide important documentation. If your application is successful, you should be given a Retail Operator License (ROL) and a Retail Store Authorization (RSA).
According to the Cannabis Licence Act, you must apply to the Registrar and be 19 or older to obtain a retail operator license. If your license application or renewal was previously refused or revoked, you must wait two years from the refusal before applying again.
Develop a Good Content Marketing Strategy
A good content marketing strategy will spread the word about your new store and point people in your direction. Developing a professional website for your business will be an excellent place to start. Your website’s content must be thorough, engaging, and SEO-optimized to give it a shot at ranking highly on search engines. To achieve this, invest in keyword research, smooth user interfaces, and compelling graphics that’ll interest visitors to the site.
Creating a good content marketing strategy will help you to package and sell your product
It’s also a good idea to include important sections like contact information, product information, and customer feedback. You can explore social media advertising to build buzz around your cannabis store, but you must be careful not to violate the platform’s cannabis advertising rules.
What You Can Gain From Cannabis Industry Training at AAPS
Success in the cannabis trade requires a thorough understanding of the industry’s regulatory landscape and the possession of critical management skills. The right cannabis industry training can equip you with these essential operational resources.
At AAPS, you’ll be exposed to such cannabis courses as Cannabis Regulations, Quality Assurance, Inventory Management, Product Knowledge and Security Requirements, which are all part of our comprehensive cannabis retail management course. These learning resources should set you up for a successful business endeavour in the cannabis trade sector.
Are you interested in our cannabis industry training?
Contact AAPS to learn how you can get started!