Posts Tagged: Ontario dispensary licence

3 Things to Know About Topicals if You Want an Ontario Dispensary Licence

With topicals now legal in Canada, the Ontario cannabis industry is ready to adapt to the changes that come with new products and regulations. If you’re working or studying to work in the industry, you should understand how oils, creams, lotions, and other such products work to have the product knowledge you need. Many people may prefer these products if they don’t wish to orally consume cannabis, so topicals open up a wide opportunity for new consumers and growth in the cannabis industry. Knowing how these products are absorbed by the body and different variations to expect can help you.. READ MORE »

Professional Service Strategies for Cannabis Dispensary Success

Within the cannabis industry, there can, from time to time, be an unfortunate stigma that it is a less formal or disciplined industry. On the contrary, the cannabis industry thrives on organization, attention to detail, vigilance, and professionalism. Newer industries face frequent changes, and in the case of cannabis, this is even more the case. Because of the frequency of change in this young industry, employees need to be on the ball and ready to deal with unexpected challenges. The laid-back perception that sometimes exists of the field wouldn’t be able to satisfy this need. It’s important for workers in.. READ MORE »

Want an Ontario Dispensary Licence? Here Are 3 Types of Cannabis You Can (and Can’t) Sell

Wondering what cannabis products can legally be sold at stores in Ontario? Here’s a brief guide for anyone who wants to apply for a cannabis retail licence.
