Light is one of the most important factors when it comes to cannabis production. At every growth stage – from seedling to flowering – there is a need to adjust the light intensity, colour, and frequency. These factors emulate the natural conditions found in nature and are essential to enabling the proper growth of the plant. To accommodate the changes at different stages, growers tend to buy a full-colour spectrum of lights to optimize their growing abilities.
Students enrolled in a cannabis program will explore indoor cultivation techniques related to the production of high-quality cannabis within the Canadian market. Courses covering equipment and lighting will explore the impact of the colour spectrum on cannabis production and how to set up the ideal cultivation room. Read on to learn more!
How Does Light Colour Impact the Growth of Cannabis?
Natural sunlight provides the entire light spectrum. As the seasons change, the levels of wavelength energy also change. For example, sunlight in the summer contains a high intensity of blue and green wavelengths. By contrast, the light is redder in the fall, when the days are shorter and the sun sits lower in the sky. The change in light is what tells plants, including cannabis, to prepare for seasonal changes. This can affect everything from:
- The growing time
- The transition to each growth phase
- The height of the plant
- The quality of its leaves
Light colour impacts the quality and growth of the cannabis plant
For professionals in cannabis careers, the goal is to emulate these outdoor conditions in an indoor cultivation room. Through each stage of growth, the plant needs to be exposed to various wavelengths of light to allow photosynthesis and bud formation to take place. By understanding the natural changes in sunlight and how plants respond, growers can maximize the potential traits of the cannabis plant.
Those in cannabis careers should emulate the sunlight for indoor production
The Effects of Different Light Qualities
Through exposure to the spectrum of colours in the sunlight, a cannabis plant is able to understand the climate around them and adapt its growth in the best way possible. When it comes to indoor cultivation, it’s the job of a professional with cannabis training to emulate the role of the sun. While there is no best light spectrum for growing cannabis, different colours reap different results at various stages. Generally speaking:
- Seedlings respond best to blue light
- Blue and red light should be used at the vegetative stage
- Orange and red light is best for flowering plants
There is additional debate among growers over the effects of UV light on cannabis plants, with some believing that UV light increases the THC levels or potency of cannabis buds. A little bit of UV light can create gentle stress that drives the plant to develop better defence mechanisms. On the other hand, too much exposure to UV light and the cannabis plant is at risk of stunted growth and deficient quality.
The light should be altered at each stage of cannabis growth
How Those in Cannabis Careers Can Optimize Production
All in all, nothing beats natural sunlight when it comes to cannabis production. When it comes to indoor cultivation, producers must rely on the energy of grow lights. Limited spectrum lights are adequate for indoor growing, since blue and red light are the most important for successfully producing cannabis plants. However, using full-spectrum grow lights is the best way to emulate the sunlight and tends to result in a bigger yield. All spectrum colours are important for optimizing cannabis growth by promoting the chemical actions in plants. In that case, choose a spectrum that contains all wavelengths from UV to far-red light for the best results.
Are you interested in starting your career in the cannabis industry in Canada?
Contact the Academy of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences today!