This course is designed to provide essential training for conducting Out of Specification (OOS) investigations detected in the laboratory (Phase 1). A background discussion of the associated GMP documentation required to support the OOS investigation is included but the majority of time is spent detailing the who, what, when, how and why of the investigation, documenting findings and determining root causes to identify if the OOS is valid or can be assigned to analyst or laboratory error. Corrective and preventative actions are also discussed. An introduction to OOT (Out of Trend) results with respect to analytical and compliance alerts related to the laboratory is included, using industry examples in the first session of this course.
This course is presented in a dynamic environment created by a power point presentation, interactive exercises, case studies and group discussion. Participants are welcome to bring their own examples for group discussion sessions.
The workshop emphasizes practical issues such as:
The course provides ample opportunities for group discussions, case studies and exercises. It enables participants to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to meet current regulatory expectations. The course material is based on the FDA guideline 'Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical Production', October 2006, FDA audit observations and the MHRA guidelines 2012.
Note: Course outline is subject to change without notice. Please check back regularly for updates.
This course is valuable for Directors, Managers, Supervisors, Laboratory Analysts and Associates working in a GMP environment in the Pharmaceutical and related industries with daily responsibilities in the following areas: